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Images and pictures impart how individuals communicate. If a journalist can bring a narrative, the photojournalist completes the picture. Photojournalism has a reflective impact on societies and their ability to create a foundation for healing by building a shared visual memory and a sense of consciousness. This session would discuss the role of Photojournalists to create a sense of peace perspective through their lenses.

Social Media & The Pandemic of Trolling

Digital connect has an astounding ability to link people across the world, but this network of social media enhances people’s chances to share the positive and the negative equally. Expressions of thoughts always lead to perceptions that if not respected as a right of expression it leads to trolling. Controversial statement heightens readers belief that every action should be confronted with disagreement and hate. This session of NCMJ addresses the issue of online trolling in a super connected world.


Community radio stations serve a vital role in delivering information and connecting people at the grassroots, to build a comprehensive and productive view of people from the diverse backgrounds. Despite economic limitations, lack of infrastructure, low- and poor-quality connectivity, dominant mainstream media, community radio stations are now expanding their coverage and influence like never before. This session discusses the need to address the importance of community radio for building compassion and trust.


PEACEMAKERS of media: FACT-CHECKERS & Fake News Busters

New age journalism and the proliferation of devices have got us news at the click of a button, but this speedy news consumption leads to many issues. Scrutinizing and researching for truth and context of news becomes important. Thus, content creators need to understand the importance of rigorous processes of fact-checking. This session discusses the processes and practices required to publish news with credibility.

Is The Newsroom truly an INCLUSIVE space?

The lack of diversity in newsrooms is a long-running issue and its impact is evident in the output of news. The unconscious bias of stories in the mainstream media has a trickle down effect. There are instances where rallies and agitation from the masses have forced the newsroom to carry out specific news, that would otherwise not be on the list. This session discusses the change required in the newsroom demography to help cultivate an environment where every citizen feels that they are been heard Learning from MoJo (Mobile Journalism): The Good & the Bad Journalism has always been the first media form to adapt new technology. Such is an advent of Mobile Journalism which demands the new skills and work practices that journalist needs to master to not only reach but walk with the consumption demand. This session discusses the challenges that any journalist would face to keep up with legacy journalism and walk their ways through developing a MoJo mindset to pursue their interest and solidify work options.

Is the Media becoming an agent of POLARISATION?

Since the late nineteenth century, the primary source of political and societal polarization in India has been a fundamental question of nationhood. Partisan attacks on India’s independent political institutions have intensified, opposition parties have become extremely wary of defending pluralism and secularism, and hatred and violence against minority communities have flared up. Such a stance of background leads to an inclined news media content that requires a holistic approach of media content for consumption. This session discusses the media content and if it really stands to be an agent of polarization.

INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM: how the landscape has changed?

Investigative journalism digs up what some people would wish to be buried. It focuses on the truth and helps in building the common person while pursuing the public good. It advocates social change and value re-orientation. The power of curiosity and learning-by-doing brings a plethora of hidden aspects of a story to the surface. The session focuses on the dedication and zealotry any investigative journalist brings to their work, persist in the worst time; sometimes they seemingly flourish when the challenges are great.



Challenges before Regional Media

The relevance and robustness of regional media help reach the nation to the ones who are rooted in their culture. Regional networks have the zeal to reform national efforts tapping various sectors of society and getting their voice heard, but with all these capacities; they face huge challenges. This session is designed to engage a dialogue from the experts to discuss the issues and challenges.


News in 140 characters

The term to connect with someone in 140 characters brought new essence to social networking and celebrating its success various apps adopted it. Such innovation may not be very age-specific but indeed has the capacity to draw eyeballs of young generation considering the limited time requirement and grasp of news. This session would bring such a young bright panel of students who would discuss how such a tool has evolved into a powerful harness of communication to interact with its audiences

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