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Session 1 (Inaugural Session)

Ethical Journalism: Foundation For World Peace

Ethical Journalism: Foundation For World Peace

Monday, 21 Sept 2020 (10.45 am to 1.30 pm)

Rahul Karad - The Honourable speaker started by welcoming each and every individual who was taking part in this conference and also elaborated on the reasons for which this conference has been convened. Particularly, the speaker felt that the connection between ethical reporting and the fact that even journalism relies on commerce to sustain itself must be explored deeply so that we may be able to draw the line between the ethics of reporting and the practicality of economics. He also remarked upon the day being International Peace day and how he wishes that this conference can also ensure the promotion of peace and harmony throughout the world via the power of the fourth estate. He finished by wishing that this conference is a success, just as the last one was and again thanking everyone partaking in this conference.

Dr Pushpesh Pant - The learned speaker started by first claiming to feel like an interloper at this conference. He further states that it feels like the topic is generalised enough to afford expensive answers. He wishes to ask whether the ethics considered in this session are universally applied or selectively applied from a geopolitical perspective. He also wishes to understand the deeper relationship between journalism and the government and he feels that there are other people on the panel such as Mr N Ram that can answer the question better. He states that there is stress between the forces of peace and the forces of violence simply because the nations in power wish to retain that position while the nations not as enfranchised wish to become so thereby giving rise to this tension.

Prof Dr Vishwanath D Karad - The Honourable speaker started by stating that humanity is undergoing a very tumultuous time in its history and as such we have to take measures to understand that we require world peace and harmony. He then states that the purpose of this conference is thus to find a way in which journalism can help that. He states that there is a deep relationship between journalism and world peace as well as the speaker’s conviction that we all are all related and we must achieve harmony amongst us all to be able to achieve true happiness. He states further that in this very import

N Ram - The learned speaker started by stating he was pleasantly curious about this event and found it to be about quite an important issue. He then stated that the very definition of journalism has been changing and that in recent times journalism itself seems to be losing its integrity in the face of commercial interests. He then stated what the ethics of journalism are, and how they are affected by the present scenarios as well as by discussions that have occurred in the past about this subject. He also states that he believes in absolute truth only in the purview of mathematics. He also professes his belief in the provocative statement that facts should never get in the way of truth. This line sums up the learned speaker's own belief in the ethics of journalism. He then differentiated between the media and journalism, which are definitely interrelated but cannot be used as synonyms for each other.

Prof Dr N T Rao - The learned speaker began by stating that he feels the ethics of journalists started getting compromised ever since they stopped reporting the news and started creating it. He believes that this fallacy must be addressed in order to restore the high ethicality of journalism. He also states that all avenues that ensure the proliferation of harmony through journalism should be explored in detail and not only for the sake of speaking about peace, rather for the sake of achieving it.

Alok Mehta - The learned speaker started by thanking the conveners of this excellent convention. He then spoke of the very practical approach that the media can take to foster world peace by not diving into the ethicality of journalism or in the direction it is heading, rather the speaker spoke about the realistic ways in which the media, journalism specifically can aid the world achieve harmony. One of the examples he elucidated his point upon was that the media can play a very important role in ensuring that an arms race between nations does not take place by ensuring non inflammatory coverage with an emphasis on calm and not panic. E spoke vehemently against fake news stating that it was one of the worst calamities to hit the profession of journalism and he quoted many examples of how this has been detrimental to the harmonious coexistence within India as well as outside India.

Sanjay Baru - The learned speaker took a different approach by stating that one of the biggest fallacies of Indian journalism is that we care very little for the world beyond our borders. He states that for a country of our size and importance we have the smallest pool of foriegn reporters. We do not have foreign reporters in countries such as Pakistan and China. He states that we cannot exert influence through journalism and have a meaningful impact upon the world stage due to this reason and consequently, how can we use the fourth estate to promote a global culture of peace and prosperity. He then criticized the nature of indian journalism which relies heavily on advertising for its revenue, thereby being forced to compromise its ethicality for the sake of commerce. He also is disappointed with the level of professionalism in journalism today, which he finds sadly lacking.

Shravan Garg - The learned speaker started by stating that despite the present state of journalism, and others, in India we are still the largest democracy in the world and thus subject to our own peculiar brand of problems. He stated that the role of the media must be to hold those in power accountable for their actions by neutrally reporting their actions as they are to the public. He states that compared to many other nations, we still have a well functioning journalistic community which may sometimes go astray ethically, but which nonetheless possessed quite a bit of morality. He implored the individuals who are involved in journalism to take example from the way that the global community has come together to battle the Corona virus irrespective of nationality, religion, race and caste.

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